Gods of Arcadia | Andrea Stehle


The Legend of Walt Disney

There has been much academic speculation about the legendary figure known as Walt Disney. There are two basic facts that all scholars agree upon: 1) he was real person who live on ancient Earth and 2) there are 222 songs attributed to this artist over a period of 145 years.

The most popular theory at the Academy is that while Walt Disney may have been a real person, like the mythical tales of the Iliad and the Odyssey have been attributed to the bard Homer, an entire genre of songs with similar melodies and messages have simply be grouped together under one of the more popular of the song writers of this genre. So we have Homeric epic, Shakespearian sonnets, and Disney songs.

Marcus of New Athens has suggested a radical theory that Walt Disney was actually not a songwriter, but the owner of a company bearing his name that brought together popular artists and singers of the 20th and 21st centuries to create songs for mass consumption. Needless to say, this theory is rather far- fetched, and not widely accepted by ancient Earth historians.

The following symbol is often associated with Walt Disney in the ancient Earth records, but no one can satisfactorily explain what it supposed to represent or its origin.